Factors Affecting People's Participation in Drug Prevention and Solution in Kasetwisai District Roi Et Province
Influence Factors; , Participation;, Prevention and Solution to Drug ProblemsAbstract
The drug problem in Thailand is considered a major national problem that often leads to crime, which directly affects public order, safety in life, and property of the people. Effective implementation requires the cooperation or involvement of all sectors, especially local people. Therefore, this research study has the objectives; (1) to study the level of public participation in preventing and solving drug problems. (2) To study factors affecting public participation in the prevention and solution of drug problems. And 3) to study suggestions on public participation in the prevention and solution of drug problems. This study was conducted in Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province as quantitative research. The sample was 399 people aged 18 years and over in Kasetwisai District. The research tools were the estimation scale questionnaire on public participation in drug prevention and problem-solving. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that; (1) public participation in preventing and solving drug problems as a whole was at a high level. (2) Factors affecting people's participation in preventing and solving drug problems are information perception, community leaders, and community networks, which can together predict 62.10%. (3) Recommendations on the participation of the public in the prevention and solution of drug problems are: Relevant agencies should increase public relations with local people. Building awareness of drugs, lead to building trust and providing information to government agencies. Instilling good values in youth, and promoting awareness of the dangers of drugs. Community leaders meet together to suggest problems in each community and find ways to prevent and solve drug problems together. Community leaders should coordinate with relevant agencies and provide truthful information in the area. And there should be an adequate budget allocation for anti-drug campaign activities.
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