Factors Influencing Household Waste Management in Yod Kang Subdistrict Na Mon District Kalasin Province
Influencing Factors; , Waste Management; , HouseholdAbstract
The amount of solid waste is increasing all the time due to the rapid expansion of the development of more technology to facilitate the comfort and living of dense urban areas, especially in developing countries. This research study has the objectives; (1) To study the level of household waste management. (2) Analyze the factors influencing household waste management. And (3) study suggestions on factors influencing household waste management. This study was conducted in the Yod Kang sub-district, Namon district, Kalasin province, which was quantitative research. The sample consisted of 382 eligible voters. The data collection tools were statistical questionnaires used to analyze the data: percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation, and linear regression multiple analysis. The results showed that (1) The overall level of household waste management is at a high level. (2) Factors influencing household waste management, such as promotion from local government organizations, self-responsibility awareness, and household members' participation, can be predicted at 57.70 percent with significant Statistics at level .05. And 3) suggestions on factors influencing household waste management, namely; community leaders should have public relations campaigns for people in the community to sort waste types before disposing of. The local government should publicize the public to know how to dispose of waste such as branches, leaves, and grass to reduce the burden of collection. The clothing and shoes should be repaired initially, and people should know how to collect recyclable waste to sell to generate income.
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