Management of the Student Support System Schools under the Buriram Secondary Education Service Area Office
Management; , Student Support System; , Quality of Life ImprovingAbstract
The student support system is a systematic process of caring for students with clear steps methods and tools that meet quality standards and have verifiable evidence of work, In which the operation must have the class teacher/teacher advisor as the main person in the operation with the participation of all personnel involved both within and outside the educational institution. This research aims to (1) study the management level of the student support system at schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area Buriram. And (2) comparing the level of opinions of personnel on the management of student support systems classified by sex, work experience, and school size. The research population consisted of 3,291 school personnel under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office, and 344 were used as a sample. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage mean, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The research results showed that (1) the management of the student care and support system in schools under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office overall was at a high level. And (2) a comparative analysis of opinions towards the administration of student care and support systems in schools under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office, both overall and in each aspect, found that; (a) there is no difference overall by sex, but different aspects of prevention and problem-solving. (b) Classified by work experience, the overall difference was statistically significant at the .05 level, while the individual aspects differed in prevention problem-solving, and referral. And (c) classified by school size as a whole and each aspect was significantly different at the .05 level.
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