Management of Educational Institute Curriculum of Affiliated Educational Institutes under Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office
Curriculum Management; , Secondary Education Service Area OfficeAbstract
Curriculum implementation is a critical step in curriculum development as it conveys the ideology, curriculum aims, subject content, and a carefully curated learning experience to the learner. All course developers agree on the importance of the course implementation process as being more important than all other steps, directly indicative of the success or failure of the course. This research aims to (1) study the level of curriculum management of educational institutions under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Education Service Area. And (2) compare the level of opinions towards educational institution curriculum management classified by position, work experience, and education level. The sample consisted of 355 personnel in educational institutions under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Education Service Area. The research tools include questionnaires to collect data from questionnaire submissions. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The research results showed that (1) the management of the school curriculum of educational institutions under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Education Service Area overall was at a high level. And (2) a comparative analysis of the educational curriculum management practices of schools under the Office of Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office, both overall and in each aspect, it was found that; (a) Classified according to the overall position and the side is not different, (b) Classified by work experience in general and in each aspect is not different, and (c) classified according to the level of education as a whole and each aspect was not different at the statistical significance level of 0.05.
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