The Role of the School Committee on Participation in the Management of the School's Academic Work, under the Jurisdiction of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office Region 2
Management; , Academic Task; , Participation;, RolesAbstract
Participatory management is therefore very important because it is the management of executives that allows people involved to be able to participate in the management, sharing ideas, making decisions, and sharing responsibility. Academic administration, therefore, requires the school committee to take part in the management in terms of curriculum. This research aims to (1) study the role of the school committee on participation in school academic management. And (2) to compare the level of opinions on the roles of school committees on participation in school academic administration classified by gender, age, and position. The sample for this study was those involved in academic management, comprising the director, deputy director, teacher, and school committees of schools under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area. Khon Kaen District 2, a total of 366 people. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), and F-test. The results showed that (1) the role of school committees in participation in the academic management of schools under the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 overall was at a high level. (2) The comparative analysis of opinions on the roles of school committees in participation in academic management of schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 found that (a) Overall and individual sex classifications are not different, (b) classified by age as a whole and in each aspect without a difference, and (c) classified by overall position and each aspect differing at statistical significance at the .05 level.
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