Teacher Morale Boosting Management in Educational Management during the COVID-19 Situation of School Administrators under the Office of Buriram Primary Education Service Area 2





Management; , Morale and Encouragement;, COVID 19


Besides the management of the school besides the management of various operations, the morale of the operating personnel is also important, which the administrators can build the morale of the operators. Managers should develop strategies for managing the factors that affect morale, whether it is clear main objectives and operational policies, superior friendliness to subordinates, and smooth collaboration. The research aims to (1) study the management of teachers' morale boosting in educational management during the COVID-19 situation of school administrators. And (2) to compare the level of opinions of those involved in the management of teacher morale boosting in educational management during the COVID-19 situation of school administrators classified by gender, age, and status. The sample consisted of 342 educational institute administrators under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research tools include questionnaires to collect data by collecting questionnaires and analyzing them. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that (1) Opinions of those involved in the management of teacher morale promotion in educational management during the COVID-19 situation of school administrators under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 2 as a whole. is at a high level. (2) The comparative analysis of the opinions of those involved in the management of teacher morale boosting in education management during the COVID-19 situation found that (a) classified by gender, there was no difference overall, but different aspects in terms of the working environment were statistically significant at the.05 level. (b) Classified by age as a whole and by side, there is no difference. (c) Classified by overall status and each aspect differs significantly at the.05 level, except in terms of the characteristics of superiors towards subordinates who have no different opinions.


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How to Cite

Thiansiri, C. . (2023). Teacher Morale Boosting Management in Educational Management during the COVID-19 Situation of School Administrators under the Office of Buriram Primary Education Service Area 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(1), 517–530. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.35