The Relationship Between Technological Leadership of School Administrators and Technology Integration of Teachers in Schools under the Office of Roi Et Secondary Educational Service Area
Technological Leadership; , Technology IntegrationAbstract
From the current social context, it is clear that our world has entered a completely digital age, making education management necessary to use technology to support learning management because learning in the digital age has changed in terms of The role of the learner. At present, there are many types of media used for teaching and learning by teachers having the ability to integrate the knowledge of technology necessary to promote and develop knowledge and the ability to convey content as a method. The process or practice of teachers in organizing teaching and learning activities for students. Therefore, the subject research aims to (1) Study the technological leadership of school administrators. (2) Study the integration of teachers' technology in educational institutions. And (3) to study the relationship between the technological leadership of school administrators and the technology integration of teachers in educational institutions. The population used in the research was 2,481 school personnel under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Roi Et in the academic year 2022. A sample of 335 people using the sample size table of Krejcie & Morgan. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that (1) The results of the study of the technological leadership of school administrators and the integration of teachers' technology in educational institutions were at a high level overall. (2) The results of the study of the integration of technology of teachers in educational institutions as a whole have been carried out a lot. (3) The results of the study of the relationship between the technological leadership of school administrators and the integration of technology of teachers in all aspects of education were positively correlated at a high level.
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