The Morale and Encouragement of Teachers in the Performance of Extra-large Schools, under the Office of Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area 1
Morale and Encouragement; , PerformanceAbstract
Individuals with high morale and encouragement in performance tend to show benefits to the assigned tasks, resulting in a positive effect on the organization, but if a person has low morale and encouragement, the behavior shown will affect work, negatively affect work and colleagues, and be an obstacle to the organization. This is something school administrators need to focus on for teachers to show positive behaviors. The purpose of this research was to study (1) the teacher’s morale and encouragement in the performance of extra-large schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Region 1, and (2) To compare teachers' morale and encouragement in extra-large schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Region 1 classified by sex, educational background, and work experience. The population is 2,568 teachers in a special large school under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Region 1 and samples were 344 persons. The instrument used for data collection in the research was a 5-point scaled questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and statistics used to test the hypothesis, including t-test, and F-test. The results showed that : (1) the morale and encouragement of the teachers in the performance of the extra-large schools under the Office of Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area 1 were at a moderate level. (2) The morale in large schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 with classified by sex, educational background, and work experience as overall there is no difference. When considering each aspect classified by educational qualifications It was found that the governance and interpersonal relations Teachers with a bachelor's degree or lower and postgraduate have different opinions by statistically significant at the .05 level.
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