Relationship Between the Time Taken for Online Test and Test Scores of MER 2003 Introduction to Statistics and Research in Education




Time Taken for Online Test; , Test Scores


The amount of time for the test is sufficient for critical thinking and reflective thinking in answering each question will result in the test scores according to the student's proficiency level. The purpose of this research was to study the correlation between the time taken for the online test and test scores of the MER 2003 introduction to statistics and research in education course of undergraduate students, at Ramkhamhaeng University. The study was conducted with a sample of 130 students who registered and took the MER 2003 introduction to statistics and research course in the academic year 2021, obtained by stratified random sampling. Information is collected with an online final exam. The data were analyzed by Pearson’s product-moment correlation between the time taken for the online test and test scores. The research results showed that time is taken for the online test and test scores had a statistically significant positive correlation at the .01 level (r=.546, p=.000).


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How to Cite

Klyprayong, R. (2023). Relationship Between the Time Taken for Online Test and Test Scores of MER 2003 Introduction to Statistics and Research in Education. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(1), 203–210.