Administrative Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Mission Operations of Damrongtham Center, Mueang Sakon Nakon District, Sakon Nakhon Province
Administrative Factors; , Operational Effectiveness;, Damrongtham District CenterAbstract
"Dharma Damrong Center, Ministry of Interior" since April 1, 1994. The Ministry of Interior has the policy to adjust the role of the Ministry of Interior Damrongdharma Center to be more proactive than reactive. As a result, the Damrongdhamma Center of the Ministry of the Interior has a role in providing justice to people seriously. Its work is proactive rather than reactive, making people aware of the roles and responsibilities of the Damrongdhama Center widely, and can request help when they face various difficulties at all times. Thus, this research was: (1) to study the level of administrative factors of Damrongtham Center, and the effectiveness level of operating the missions of Damrongtham Center. (2) to investigate the influences of administrative factors on the mission effectiveness of Damrongtham Center. And (3) to explore and gain guidelines for developing the effectiveness of operating the missions of Damrongtham Center. The sample group as well as the target group included 270 government officials and staff who handled the people’s complaints in every sub-district, district, and province for Mueang Sakon Nakhon Damrongtham Center. Data were collected by questionnaire, and statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results found that (1) Overall administrative factors of Damrongtham Center were at a high level while the effectiveness of operating the missions of Damrongtham Center as a whole, was also at a high level (µ= 4.28). (2) Administrative factors significantly influenced the effectiveness of operating the missions of Damrongtham Center was at <.05 statistical level with all administrative factors, the information technology contained the most influence (β = .354). At the same time, leadership gained the second most influence (β = .208), and the organizational culture had the third most influence (β = .193), respectively with a predictive coefficient of .338, it could be explained that these administrative factors could be used to correctly predict the effectiveness of operating the missions of Damrongtham Center for 33.80% (Adjusted R2 = .338). (3) the guidelines for improving the effectiveness of operating the missions of the Damrongtham Center were; (A) Online computer system, information technology system, as well as other innovations, should be provided for the services and database transfer. (B) An electronic complaint system should be developed instead of using paper-based writing forms. The Dhamrongtham Center’s authorities and missions together with its procedures, methods, and documents required for filing the complaints should be publicized to speed up and facilitate the orders of the processes. (C) The personnel of Dhamrongtham Center should be sent to attend pieces of training so that they would have the knowledge, experience, and expertise needed for receiving and tackling complaints. The tasks of this person should be improved for better efficiency. And (D) Center should be adequately equipped with various facilities such as people’s seats for service users, a parking lot, restrooms, drinking water, and so on.
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