Strategic Leadership Model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment Culminating in Administrative Effectiveness of Schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Model; , Strategic Leadership; , Four Paths of Accomplishment; , Administrative EffectivenessAbstract
Organizational leaders, being the key engine that drives the organization, need specific characteristics, competencies or skills to lead the organization to compete with the changes that are taking place. School administrators therefore need to adjust new characteristics to suit the changing context, which good school administration should adopt the Four Paths of Accomplishment. to be applied to the administration of basic educational institutions as a guideline for successful administration. Therefore, this research aimed (1) to study the factors and indicators of strategic leadership model based on the Four Paths of Accomplishment in administrative effectiveness. (2) to examine the consistency and suitability of strategic leadership model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment with empirical data. (3) to create the model of strategic leadership model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment in administrative effectiveness. And (4) to assess the model of strategic leadership model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment in administrative effectiveness of Schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. This research is mixed-method research. The sample group used in the research was educational institute administrators. and teachers in educational institutions Under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 2, 411 people interviewed 5 experts and 10 experts. The research instruments were questionnaires, and an assessment form for the use of factors and indicators, strategic leadership model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment in administrative effectiveness. The statistics used to analyze the data are percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling. The results of research were found that: (1) the factors and indicators of strategic leadership model based on The Four Paths of Accomplishment in administrative effectiveness comprised 4 factors and 111 indicators. (2) The test of consistency of the model displayed χ2=9.462, df = 7, χ2/df =1.352, P-Value =0.728, CFI =0.987, TLI =0.982, RMSEA =0.005, SRMR =0.002, and the structural validity and reliability existed R2 at 0.754 - 0.884 exceeding 0.60, that featured the consistency with the empirical data. (3) Strategic leadership model using the Four Paths of Accomplishment that affects the effectiveness of school administration consists of 4 components. And (4) The evaluation results of the strategic leadership model using the Four Paths of Accomplishment that affect the effectiveness of school administration were found to be appropriate at a high level and could be used.
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