Analysis of International Publications of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University from 2011 to 2020 in Scopus Database
International publication; , Scopus;, Institute for Population and Social Research; , Mahidol UniversityAbstract
Academic work published in international databases that are acknowledged by all sciences and included in international academic publications is one of the key markers of a university's strategic plan. As a result, Mahidol University has created a strategic plan for research and innovation intending to produce world-class research and innovation. The Institute for Population and Social Research also has a vision that is in line with the University: "To be an internationally leading institution in the field of population and social science for sustainable development.". The purpose of this study was to study the published articles of personnel at the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University in the SCOPUS database during 2011-2020. The samples are international publications of the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University which are in the Scopus database during 2011-2022. The research tool used for collecting data is a search engine of the research publications on the Scopus database which consists of research articles, review articles, articles from the academic conference proceeding, book chapters, research notes, and editorials. The study analyzed the number of publications published each year, type of published articles, number of citations each year, number of articles published in each field, list of journals, list of organizations involved in co-published works, list of countries involved in co-published work, sources of research funding, and the number of works published according to the Sustainable Development Goals. The study employed a descriptive statistics method for the analysis, namely frequency, and percentage. The result showed that the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University had a total of 183 articles published internationally in the Scopus database between 2011 and 2020. The most articles, 100 articles, were published in the field of Medicine. The journals with the highest number of published articles were the Journal of Population and Social Studies and Plos One, each accounting for 4.9 percent of all published journals. The country with the highest number of joint publications was the United States. And the domestic and foreign organizations with the highest number of joint publications were the Ministry of Public Health and the University of Michigan. The organizations that provided the highest research funding were Mahidol University and the National Cancer Institute, each accounting for 4.13 percent of the total funding received. There was the majority of works (accounted for 32.62%) were consistent with Goal 3 (SDG3) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), ensuring good health and promoting well-being for all people of all ages. The works published internationally in the SCOPUS database of the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University in the past 10 years have increased by an average of 21.3% per year.
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