Quality of Life Analysis and Platform Selection Guidelines for Food Delivery Work in Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province
Quality of Life; , Motivation Factor;, Platform; , Food DeliveryAbstract
Nowadays, food ordering services via online applications are very popular in Thailand, because it creates convenience for consumers to choose to buy a variety of food delivered directly to the front of the house just by touching the mobile phone screen. During the COVID-19 situation, many people were laid off and suspended, along with a large number of entrepreneurs joining the online restaurant platform, causing people to turn to new careers to earn money during COVID-19 by driving food delivery drivers, causing drivers to find the company that is most suitable for themselves. This study was conducted to analyze the quality of life in food delivery work and guidelines for platform selection of food delivery riders in the Muang district, Chiang Mai province. The sample group consisted of 399 food delivery riders in Chiang Mai. Qualitative data analysis, descriptive statistics, and multiple linear regression were employed in this study. Results of the study revealed that (1) the motivation factor, most of the respondents put importance on job stability and followed by a successful job. (2) They were satisfied with the stability and acceptance of the job. (3) It was found that the respondents had a high level of quality of life in food delivery work but a moderate level of satisfaction with it. For hypothesis testing, it was found that the motivation factor influenced the importance and satisfaction level of quality of life in platform selection. (4) The following were problems encountered : (A) some customers did not answer the phone and did not give details clearly that it was a waste of time; (B) long wait for food from the shop due to the long queue and the shop did not prepare raw materials; (C) the platform had frequent system crashes; (D) delivery costs were not appropriate for the distance; and uneven distribution of work. (5) The following were suggestions : (A) improvement of the signal system; (B) organizing the system for opening an eatery such as percentage deduction in the case that the system has not been shut down more than 5 times; and (C) organizing the system of customers who make frequent mistakes such as deducting points accumulated by customers.
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