Marketing Potential of the Thai - Myanmar Checkpoints for Border Trade after the COVID-19 Situation: A Case Study of Mae Hong Son
Trade Potential; , Marketing; , Border Trade; , International TradeAbstract
The government is committed to driving Thailand's border and cross-border trade to have a consistently higher value by laying out an integrated approach to work in all sectors that focuses on providing support and Cooperation between government agencies, the private sector and the people in the area to support the border trade economy is a stimulus to the economy and is part of the policy to alleviate poverty in each area. Therefore, the objectives of this research were (1) to study the situation of five Thai - Myanmar checkpoints for border trade after COVID-19, (2) to study the possibility of developing checkpoints for border trade at the border checkpoint, and (3) to propose guidelines for developing Thai - Myanmar border trade market. This research was qualitative research and used semi-structured interview form to collect data from key informant, using purposive sampling method and they consists of 30 people, which include officials from government agencies, and entrepreneurs at all five border points. Data analyzed by the content analysis. The results revealed that the checkpoints for border trade had the most favorable conditions for consumer goods. Most entrepreneurs were Thai Yai and Myanmar, who can communicate in two languages (Thai Yai and Myanmar). Furthermore, the situation at the border checkpoint for trade has returned to normal in recent times. The research also found that the possible border point that could be pushed into permanent border is Ban Huai Ton Noon, Khun Yuam District, Mae Hong Son Province. Because it’s most appropriate and has the most suitable potential and conditions such as: infrastructure and convenient transportation, entrepreneurs in the area also have high potential. The potential and guidelines for the development of the border trade market still need to be developed in terms of the characteristics of modern entrepreneurship by utilizing cooperation from various sectors in raising the level of entrepreneurs in the area, both in terms of risk management, competitiveness, and knowledge of marketing.
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