Guidelines for Mental Strength those Admitted in the Field Hospital Roi Et Buddhist College, Thawat Buri District, Roi Et Province
Mental Strength; , Field Hospital; , Roi Et Buddhist CollegeAbstract
The establishment of a field hospital to accommodate patients who wish to be treated in cooperation with relevant agencies in the area which field hospital in case of Covid-19 patients It is a medical service unit both inside and outside the premises to take care of communicable disease patients in epidemic situations. For Roi Et Sangha College, it is important to look beyond physical healing. Mental healing is also important. This research aims to this research aims to (1) study the level of mental strength, (2) analyze the causal factors influencing mental strength, and (3) To study the guidelines for strengthening the mind of the patients who received medical treatment in the Sanam Wittayalai School Hospital, Roi Et. The population who received medical treatment in Sanam Wittayalai Roi Et Hospital from 16 July – September 2021 totaled 478 people; The sample group used in the research consisted of 217 people. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. The results showed that : (1) The level of mental strength Overall, is at a high level, When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all aspects as well, (2) Structural equations, correlation, causal factors influencing mental strength of hospital patients in Roi Et Sangha College Field Hospital The results obtained from the research conceptual framework are in harmony with the empirical data, and (3) Guidelines for strengthening the mental health of those who receive medical treatment in Sanam Wittayalai School Hospital, Roi Et It was found that the mental strength guidelines of the patients who received medical treatment in the Roi Et Sangha College field hospital can be divided into 2 parts: the first part, the medical care provider section. It consists of 7 sub-guidelines and part 2, the patient side. It consists of 6 sub-guides.
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