An Online Warehouse Management Approach for Instant Coffee Sellers in Muang District Phatthalung Province




Management; , Online Warehouse; , Instant Coffee Seller


Doing business online is trading and providing services through an online system with a website as the medium today, both a self-made investment website and a website that offers free advertising, such as free classifieds website, doing business online today is not done because it is a trend, but it is done with foresight for long-term income generation and can be taken as a career to support the family. Thus, this research aims to study the online warehouse management activities of instant coffee sellers in Muang District, Phatthalung Province. And to present an online warehouse management approach of instant coffee sellers in Muang District, Phatthalung Province Population is consumers who buy healthy coffee products through various applications in Phatthalung Province. The tool used was a questionnaire to collect data from the sample of 30 sets. Using direct interviews with managers and employees in charge of online inventory control. Data were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the research found that most of them had a period of 1 - 3 years in business, with 1 - 5 years of work experience. Data analysis on the importance of online warehouse management factors overall, it was at the most agreeable level with total mean = 4.35 standard deviation = 0.464. The hypothesis test results revealed that the significance of the work experience, position and average monthly income variables was greater than the 0.05 level of significance. It shows that different factors above affect the efficiency of inventory management of instant coffee sellers.


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How to Cite

Tammasiri, S. ., Thapwong, J. ., Assemblekaew, P. ., Muangmongkol, T. ., & Supamonphaisa, K. . (2022). An Online Warehouse Management Approach for Instant Coffee Sellers in Muang District Phatthalung Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(5), 801–816.