The 21st Century Innovative Approach to Considering the Appointment and Promotion of Non-Commissioned Officer of the Navy: Dimensions according to Educational Qualifications
Innovation; , Rank and Promotion Consideration; , Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO); , The NavyAbstract
The criteria for considering the appointment and promotion of military officers in the ranks of the warrant ranks in the Royal Thai Navy still adhere to the guidelines for considering the rank and promotion of military officers under the Ministry of Defense Regulation B.E. 2541 and its amendments increasingly. In this 21st-century military service, a degree is an important foundation for graduates to bring back the knowledge gained to develop the army and to develop the nation to the international level. However, an innovative approach considering the dimensions of rank and promotion of naval officers in the 21st century is synthesized by the authors as follows: (1) Competitive examination dimensions according to the rules. (2) Dimensions that meet the criteria without testing. And (3) Innovation issues that are conceptual dimensions according to educational qualifications are: (3.1) having a master's degree and a doctorate degree, assign that the Petty Officer First Class, those who turn 50 years old, promoted to the Chief Petty Officer Third Class. (3.2) Chief Petty Officer First Class who has reached the age of 55 years, appointing the rank as the Acting Sub. Lieutenant. And (3.3) An officer who has been promoted to a commissioned officer who has been appointed to the rank of the Acting Sub. Lieutenant is considered to reduce the number of years he holds the rank.
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