Transformational Leadership and Good Governance Affecting the Effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations in Wan Yai District Mukdahan Province




Transformational Leadership; , Good Governance; , Effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations


Organizational management is the most important factor in helping the organization to achieve its goals. Because in the management of an organization or agency to be successful requires knowledge, competence, good characteristics, morality and ethics of executives. Thus, the purposes of the research included the following: 1) To study the level of transformational leadership, good governance and the administration effectiveness, 2) To examine the influences of the administrators’ transformational leadership, on the administration effectiveness. 3) To examine the influences of good governance on the administration effectiveness. This research was held of Wan Yai Local Administrative Organizations. The samples consisted of 393 people whose domiciles were in Wan Yai District. They were gained through stratified random sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire and statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The research revealed these results: 1) The overall transformational leadership of the administrators and leaders was at the high level. Likewise, the good governance of Local Administrative Organizations as a whole, was at the high level. Similarly, the overall administration effectiveness of the Local Administrative Organizations was also at the high level. 2) Regarding the transformational leadership, these aspects significantly influenced on the administration effectiveness was at 0.01 statistical level: individualized consideration (β=0.409), inspiration motivation (β=0.219), and idealized influence (β=0.171). In addition, these aspects could be jointly used to foretell the administration effectiveness level of 56.00% (R2Adj=0.560). Nevertheless, the intellectual stimulation did not influence on Local Administrative Organizations. In terms of good governance, these principles significantly influenced on the administration effectiveness was at 0.01 statistical level: participation (β=0.391), rule of laws (β=0.362), morality (β=0.346), accountability/responsibility (β=0.279), and cost-effectiveness of economy (β=0.146). As for the principle of transparency, it influenced on the administration effectiveness for 0.05 statistical level. In short, these principles could be used altogether to predict the administration effectiveness for 48.00% (R2Adj=0.480).


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How to Cite

Piwpong, T., Udomkijmongkol, C. ., & Aiyakorn, S. . (2022). Transformational Leadership and Good Governance Affecting the Effectiveness of Local Administrative Organizations in Wan Yai District Mukdahan Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(5), 593–612.