Guidance for Elderly Person Welfare Development in LukMueng Community, Wapipathum Town Municipality, Wapipathum District, Maha Sarakham Province
Guidance Development; , Elderly Person Welfare; , MunicipalityAbstract
As Thailand is completely transitioning into an aging society, it is necessary to prepare and develop various systems to support an aging society in all dimensions, which the National Agenda on Aging Society has set the goal for the Thai elderly to be “Active Aging”, it is a quality aging, preparing both personnel and various systems to strengthen basic social security for the elderly especially. Thus, the purposes of the current study were (1) to study the accessibility to the welfare of elderly persons in Luk Mueng Community, (2) to compare the accessibility to the welfare of elderly persons in Luk Mueng Community using genders, ages, education levels, statuses, and professions as variables, and (3) to introduce guidance for elderly person welfare development in Luk Mueng Community, Wapipathum Town Municipality, Wapipathum District, Maha Sarakham Province. The study was conducted in a mixed-method design. The instrument was a questionnaire used for collecting data from 72 informants in the area. A statistical package was used in data analysis. The data were analyzed using percentages, mean scores, and standard deviation. The results of the study were as follows. (1) The accessibility to the welfare of elderly persons in Luk Mueng Community was found at a high level. (2) There was no significant difference between the accessibility to the welfare of elderly persons with different genders, ages, statuses, and professions. However, there was a significant difference found in the educational level variable at a statistical level of 0.05. (3) Four aspects were suggested in guidance for elderly person welfare development in Luk Mueng Community, Wapipathum Town Municipality, Wapipathum District, Maha Sarakham Province. (3.1) In terms of health care, there should be the procurement of a public space for outdoor activities. (3.2) In terms of economy, there should be the procurement of legal units that can provide advice related to property owing and legacy management to the elderly. (3.3) In terms of society, there should be official units assigned by the municipality to provide social advice at both community and municipality levels. (3.4) In terms of education, there should be elderly school activities serviced to communities in the municipality.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nutjaree Jaipranop, Warit Rasri, Bancha Bhutwanakul, Anucha Lawong , Kulrisa Khumsing

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