Multidimensional Love
Love; , Love Theory; , Attachment; , Psychology of LoveAbstract
Love is a kind of human feeling or emotion towards others that results in feelings of attachment, longing, jealousy, and wanting to be close. These feelings can develop, change, and disappear, thereby creating emotional interactions that occur between individuals. Love is an indicator of the physical maturity and growth of each individual. Moreover, love is also a raw instinct that drives a person to do activities for satisfying bold cravings. While the higher level of love. it will create the power to do anything with a strong and patient mind. Humans can make love soft, tender, and beautiful. Love is an important tool in bringing together a happy coexistence. It has been discussed for many eras and has been described meaning in different ways. In this academic article, the author uses descriptive writing techniques to explain meanings, types, theories, and concepts related to love in multidimensions from Western and Eastern theories including the recovery of a person from the disappointment of love. An awareness approach to create an understanding of the 5 dimensions of love, will allow you to know the different perspectives and how to apply, prevent, love, and heals a person's mind of disappointment of love which can be used in different ways to use in life.
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