The Effect of Technology Transferring and Innovation of Solid Waste Plastic, Foam Processing by Participatory of Network Associates: Case Study Khok Mang Ngoi Subdistrict, Khon Sawan District, Chaiyaphum Province
Technology; , Transferring; , Innovation; , Network AssociatesAbstract
Solid waste management is a challenging issue for every community administration or local government. For Thailand, there is a tendency for the development of rural communities into more urban communities. including consumption behavior As a result, the amount of solid waste has increased rapidly. especially plastic and foam waste. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of technology transferring and innovation solid waste plastic, and foam processing by participatory network associates, Case study Khok Mang Ngoi Sub-district, Khonsawan District, Chaiyaphum province, using Quasi-experimental Research (Two Group Pre - Test, Post - Test Design), by selecting a specific research area is Khok Mang Ngoi Community, Village No. 9 are Experimental group 30 people and Village No. 5 are control group 30 People. The population and the sample were representatives of households in the area, totaling 60 people. Collect by using a questionnaire. data analysis using statistics, percentage, Paired t-test, and Independent t-test. The results of the research found that: the sample group was female 62.5%, 52 years old 68.8%, householder 50.0%, graduated primary school 31.3%, marital status, 62.5%, engaged in trading 40.6%, and most of them were 62.5% of the people. Most of them were female, 59.4% were 51 years old, 59.4% were family heads, 68.8% completed primary school, 71.9% had marital status, 90.6% were engaged in private businesses, 56.3% and most of them were people 90.6%. After implementing the technology transferring and innovation of plastic, waste, and foam processing, the experimental group had higher average scores on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of plastic foam waste management than before the experiment. and the comparison group, there was a statistically significant difference of 0.05 levels.
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