RM Academic Management Model based on The Quality Cycle Concept to Enhance Educational Achievement at the School Level, Ruammitwittaya School, Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
Academic Management Model; , Educational Achievement; , RM ModelAbstract
Systematic and efficient academic management by using the quality cycle concept as a strategy for implementation results in higher student achievement, which is the achievement of students in knowledge, comprehension, skill and intelligence. In this research the objectives were 1) to study the basic information, problem conditions and the need to develop a model of academic administration to enhance educational achievement at the educational institution level, 2) to develop the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level, 3) to experiment with the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level, and 4) to assess the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level. The sample group used in the research consisted of 179 people, including 1 school administrator, 8 school committees, 14 teachers, 78 students, and 78 students' parents in the 2020 academic year. The research instruments were 1) a questionnaire on the condition of problems and the need to develop a model of academic administration to enhance educational achievement at the school level, 2) the RM academic management model based on The quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level, 3) a questionnaire on the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level, and 4) assessment form to certify the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that; (1) In terms of basic information, it was found that the results of the National Test (NT) of grade 3 students had lower scores than the standard in both arithmetic and language. The results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET), Thai language, science, math and English subjects of Grade 6 students were lower than the standard. Regarding the condition of the problem, it was found that there were problems in academic administration, budgeting and action research, and there is a need to develop a model of academic administration to enhance educational achievement at the school level to solve teaching problems in order for teaching to be more effective. (2) The RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level consists of 4 components; Dimension 1: Quality Teacher and Director, Dimension 2: Quality Classroom, Dimension 3: Quality Student, and Dimension 4: Quality School, and apply the PDCA quality cycle as a guideline for operation. (3) The results of the experiment using the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level found that 1) The results of the National Test (NT) of grade 3 students showed that the math aspect was 90.50% higher, while the language was 96.62% higher, and 2) The results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of Grade 6 students showed that Thai language subjects had a higher score of 53.62%, mathematics subjects had a higher score of 36.20%, science subjects had a higher score of 33.68%, and English subject had a higher score of 34.31%. And (4) Assessment results certify the RM academic management model based on the quality cycle concept to enhance educational achievement at the school level overall averaged 4.37, at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the accuracy aspect had the highest average, followed by feasibility, helpfulness and suitability respectively.
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