Motivational Factors Affecting the Success in Implementing Good Governance Administration for the Personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administrative Organization
Motivational Factors; , Good Governance Administration; , Provincial Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Good governance is administered by a civil society that promotes multilateral linkages. Coordinate mutual support between government organizations, the private sector, and the public. To allocate resources to meet the needs and solve problems of the people with the participation of citizens and the responsibilities of government agencies. The private sector is effective, effective, transparent, equitable, and fair. The purposes of this research were: 1) To study the level of motivational factors and the level of success in implementing good governance administration of the personnel, 2) To investigate the influences of motivational factors on the success in implementing good governance administration of the personnel, 3) To explore and gain guidelines on developing the motivational factors that affected the success in implementing good governance administration of personnel. Obtained through stratified random sampling technique, the sample group of this study consisted of 225 personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administrative Organization. The instruments used for data collection were the questionnaire and interview form to gain the development guidelines. The statistics employed to analyze the data were composed of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Multiple Regression Analysis, and content analysis. The findings were as follows: (1). The motivational factors of the personnel were at a high level, and the success in implementing good governance administration was at a high level. (2). These motivational factors influenced the success in implementing good governance administration of the personnel: success in performing one’s job (β =.482), responsibility (β =.254), recognition/acceptance (β =.222), work characteristics (β =.190), and occupational progress (β =.176). Altogether, these motivational factors could be used to predict the success in implementing good governance administration of the personnel for 49.90%. In the same vein, these maintenance/hygiene factors also influenced the success in implementing good governance administration of the personnel: policy and administration (β =.297), interpersonal relation (β =.292), and commanding and governing (β =.165). These maintenance/hygiene factors could be used jointly to predict the success of implementing good governance administration for 53.00%. (3). Several guidelines were given for developing motivational factors and the success in implementing good governance administration; the administrators should allow their personnel as well as the public to share their opinions on and participate in setting up the organizational administration guidelines and policies.
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