School Management Model of Learning Center According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Education towards Sustainable Quality Development, Ban Pak Moo School, Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy; , Management Model; , Learning CenterAbstract
Learning management according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy is the application of principles and theories of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy as a guideline in formulating management policies and teaching and learning to achieve sustainability in terms of quality of education, life and environment. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current conditions, problems and needs of school management and learning centers according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education towards sustainable quality development, 2) to create a model for managing schools and learning centers according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education towards sustainable quality development, 3) to study the results of the experimental model of school management and learning centers according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education towards sustainable quality development, and 4) to study the results of the experimental model of school management and learning centers according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education towards sustainable quality development. The samples used in this research were 5 teachers, 8 basic education committees, 33 students, and 33 students' parents. The research instruments consisted of 1) a questionnaire on current conditions, problems and needs, 2) an interview form, 3) a school management model of a learning center based on the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education, 4) a satisfaction questionnaire, and 5) a quiz. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The statistic used to test the hypothesis is t-test (Dependent Samples). The results of the research found that; (1) The results of the analysis of the current condition as a whole were at a high level when considering each aspect, it was found that the assessment results were at a high level on 2 aspects and at a moderate level on 4 aspects. The results of the analysis of overall problems were at a moderate level when considering each aspect, found that the assessment results were at a high level on 2 aspects and at a moderate level on 4 areas. The results of needed analysis were at the highest level when considering each aspect, found that it was at the highest level in all aspects. (2) School management model of learning center according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in education towards sustainable quality development has 6 components: 1) Sufficiency personnel, 2) Sufficiency environment, 3) Sufficiency community, 4) Sufficiency innovation, 5) Sufficiency budget, and 6) Sufficiency network building. The results of the model evaluation by experts had an average of 4.61, the highest level. (3) The result of the experiment using the school management model of learning center according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in education towards sustainable quality development was mean 4.35 at a high level. (4) The result of the satisfaction questionnaire on the school management model of learning center according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in education towards sustainable quality development was mean 4.27 at a high level. And (5) The comparative result of the comprehension test scores on the philosophy of sufficiency economy of the training to extend the results to network schools after training was significantly higher than before the training at the.01 level.
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