Quality of Work Life and Organizational Culture Affecting the Organizational Commitment of the Personnel of Local Administrative Organizations in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province
Quality of Work Life; , Organizational Culture; , Organization CommitmentAbstract
Human resources are the most important resource in the management of any organization.Acquiring quality personnel who are bound to the organization is therefore considered to create potential and sustainability for the organization. Modern organizations are constantly searching for factors that affect their performance. Thus, this research is a survey research study. The purposes of the study included the following: (1) To investigate the level of quality of work life and the organizational culture of Local Administrative Organizations. (2) To examine the level of organizational commitment. (3) To explore the influences of quality of work life and the organizational culture on the organizational commitment of the personnel. This research was held at Local Administrative Organizations in Phanna Nikhom District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Obtained through stratified random sampling technique, the samples consisted of 253 personnel of Phanna Nikhom Local Administrative Organizations, Sakon Nakhon Province. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire and statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The study revealed these results: (1) The overall quality of work life of the personnel was at a high level. Similarly, the organizational culture as a whole, was also at a high level. In the same vein, the overall organizational commitment of the personnel was at a high level as well. (2) Regarding the quality of work life, these aspects significantly influenced on the organizational commitment of the personnel was at 0.01 statistical level: a person’s rights at the workplace (β=.244), co-working and interpersonal relationship (β=.215), and safe and healthy work environment (β=.214). At the same time, social benefits (β=.139) significantly influenced on the organizational commitment of the personnel was at 0.05 statistical level. Altogether, these aspects could be used to correctly predict the organizational commitment for 41.40% (R2Ad=.414). (3) In terms of the organizational culture, these aspects significantly influenced on the organizational commitment was at 0.01 statistical level: mission (β=.289), adjustment (β=.212), unity (β=.189), and participation (β=.156). Altogether, these aspects could be used to correctly predict the organizational commitment of the personnel for 53.00% (R2Ad=.530).
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