Factors Influencing Decision to Study for Master's Degree of Regular (Final Year) Students, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
Decision Making; , Further Study; , Master's DegreeAbstract
Management education at the master's degree level has been expanding more and more in many universities. whether it is a public or private university. The main aim of educational management at this level is to develop people to have the potential knowledge and ability to develop themselves and the country This is in response to the need for skilled workers to have a higher level of working skills in a situation of rapid economic expansion, therefore, this aimed to study the decision-making level of studying for a master's degree and factors affecting the decision to study for a master's degree of regular (final year) students at Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. and study the recommendations The sample group consisted of 359 4th-year students from Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the data analysis were Mean, Standard deviation. Used to analyze the level of decision-making in studying at the master's degree level. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting the decision to study for a master's degree. The results showed that the decision-making level to study for a master's degree was at high level (Mean= 3.81). The cost of education, the course, and the image of the institution. Management And on the day and time of the study, recommendations include that there should be a lot of scholarships for students, should reduce tuition fees and other fees to be appropriate to the current situation.
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