Factors Affecting the Avoiding Behavior of Using Drugs: A Case Study of Students in the Regular Program Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
Avoidance; , Drugs; , BehaviorAbstract
The situation of drug problems that are currently epidemic is likely to be high amid the globalization of various problems. Various forms of complexity change quickly. and under an environment full of risk factors and risk areas for drug involvement especially student groups which is a group that is at very high risk of being involved in drugs in the study of factors affecting drug avoidance behavior, a case study of regular semester students Mahasarakham Rajabhat University This time the purpose to study the level of drug avoidance behavior and to study factors affecting drug avoidance behavior: a case study of regular semester students. Mahasarakham Rajabhat University and to study recommendations the sample group consisted of 385 bachelor's degree students, regular program at Mahasarakham Rajabhat University. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were Mean, Standard Deviation. It was used to analyze the level of drug avoidance behavior. Multiple regression analysis It was used to analyze factors affecting drug avoidance behavior. The results showed that the behavioral level of avoiding drug use was at a high level (Mean= 4.08). Factors affecting drug avoidance behavior were the relationship between students and friends. knowledge of drugs and the relationship between students and parents. Don't mess with people who use drugs, should not go to orbiting places Do not go to a lonely place alone Should refuse immediately when a friend invites you to take drugs. Should study and learn about drugs to know the dangers and dangers of drugs. When students have problems, they should seek advice from parents, relatives, and teachers. Students should use their free time to be useful, such as exercising, playing sports, and reading.
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