A Comparison of Political Thought in Thailand after The Military Coup of 2014
Comparative Politics; , Political Thought; , The Military Coup of 2014Abstract
After the 2014 coup, a recurring political phenomenon was found in the comparison of political ideas of political scientists in the dimensions of the political regime. Political scientists defend ideology by arguing for proof by convincing audiences to agree and accept it. Thus, this research article explores comparative political thinking in Thailand after the military coup of 2014. The methodology of this research was the documentary research that was selected after the military coup of 2014 and compared political issues between Thailand to foreign countries. This research found that comparative political thinking can be classified into four types: (1) democratic ideologic mode. (2) politician mode. (3) lawyer mode. and (4) political scientific mode. The results of exploration hypothesized that the political scientific mode was the empirical rethinking to change mindsets and unlearn to strengthen and resilient the democratic development in the context of Thailand.
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