The Development of Self-Directed Activities on the Environment in the Community Prathomsuksa 3 Students
Self-directed learning Activities; , Learning Achievement; , SatisfactionAbstract
Self-directed learning is learning in which learners participate in self-control. There are learning activities in which learners’ study, research, collect and analyze their needs, the results of the study of information, knowledge, and process skills, as well as Apply the knowledge gained by yourself. This research aims to: (1) To develop self-directed learning activities in the environment in the community for grade 3 students to be effective. (2) To study the effectiveness index of learning activities using self-directed learning activities in the environment in the community of grade 3 students. (3) To compare the learning achievement of grade 3 students who studied with self-directed learning management on the environment in the community before and after school. (4)To study the satisfaction of grade 3 students towards self-directed learning management. The sample group used in this research was 32 students in Ban Phaeng Nong Nuea School, the second semester of the 2021 academic year, obtained by cluster random sampling. The tools used in this research were: (1) 10 plans for self-directed learning activities, (2) A 20-item achievement test, and (3) 12 questionnaires on satisfaction with learning activities. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing with a t-test (Dependent Samples). The results of the research found that:
1.The learning activities development results of the self-directed learning management plan A total of 10 self-guided learning management plans were obtained each plan consisted of (1) learning objectives, (2) learning content, (3) learning management process, (4) assessment and evaluation of learning management, and (5) learning resources. Know, and (6) record learning management The results of the suitability assessment averaged 4.87, at the most appropriate level.
2.The effectiveness index of self-directed learning activities in the community environment. Grade 3 was equal to 0.6225 (3) the students had achievement in learning by using self-directed learning management activities grade 3 students had the following results: Students who studied by self-directed learning activities on the community environment (Mean= 15.19, S.D.= 1.67) were significantly higher than before (Mean= 7.25, S.D. = 1.83). The statistical significance was at 0.05 levels. (4) The students were satisfied with the self-directed learning activities at a high level (Mean= 2.90, S.D. = 0.32) respectively.
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