The Development of Lisu Hand Woven Fabrics for Commercial Purpose: A Case of Lisu Tribal Community in Khirirat Subdistrict Phopphra District, TAK Province
Product Development for Commercial; , Lisu Hand Woven FabricsAbstract
Khirirat Subdistrict, Phob Phra District, Tak Province is an area with a large number of Lisu people living, This is a unique community, a way of life, and a peaceful tribal life. It is also an area with many natural and cultural attractions. It is a destination and transit destination for many Thai and foreign tourists. However, the community still lacks the identity of the Lisu tribe to develop products to create commercial benefits and create jobs and incomes for the community. Therefore, this research is the study and development of Lisu hand-woven fabrics a case of the Lisu Tribal community in Khirirat Subdistrict Phopphra District, TAK Province, with the objectives: (1) To study the basic knowledge of weaving of the Lisu tribe. (2) To develop a product of Lisu woven fabric. (3) To study the satisfaction of the newly developed Lisu hand-woven products. The samples used in this research were a group of tourists and a group of working people in the area of Phop Phra District and Maesot District, Tak Province total of 323 people, using random sampling. The tools used in the research were interview forms on the basic knowledge of weaving of wisdom and a satisfaction questionnaire. The results of the study found that (1) The basics of weaving wisdom in terms of techniques, patterns, and weaving patterns have been passed down from generation to generation, causing adhesion There is no improvement and development of new patterns and styles. resulting in a lack of distinctive features that will attract customers. (2) There has been an improvement in the development of a weaving pattern called the herringbone pattern, which is a unique and traditional pattern of the Lisu tribe. and applied sewing into a more modern women's handbag. The results of the study of satisfaction with the newly developed Lisu hand-woven products Overall, it was found that there was a high level of satisfaction. Mean 4.31 standard deviation 0.5. beauty Satisfaction ranks first. Satisfaction was at a high level, with a mean of 4.35 and a standard deviation of 0.53. In terms of beautiful colors, it had a mean of 4.45 and a standard deviation of 0.59.
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