The Model of Learning Achievement Development of Students at Kamplaphaanatawee School under the Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office, Zone 3




The Model of Development,, Learning Achievement Development of Students


The purpose of this research was to study the components of learning achievement development of students at Kamplaphanatawee school under the Sakon Nakhon primary educational service area office, zone 3 to study the current and desirable conditions for learning achievement development of students at Kamplaphanaatawee school under the Sakon Nakhon primary educational service area office, zone 3 to create and develop a model for learning achievement development of students of Kamplaphanatawee school under the Sakon Nakhon primary educational service area office, zone 3 and to test and study the results of using the model of learning achievement development of students at Kamplaphanatawee school under the Sakon Nakhon primary educational service area office, zone 3. The findings were found as follows:

        The components for learning achievement development of students at Kamplaphanatawee school, it was found that there were 4 components: 1) The instructional leadership development of school principals 2) The teacher’s teaching development 3) Participation creating of community and 4) An external network creating to co-development which all 4 components are appropriate according to the opinions of 5 experts. Overall, it's at the highest level with an average value of 4.69. When considering each component, it was found that it was at the highest level for all components. The component with the highest average was instructional leadership development of school principals which the mean was 4.89, followed by teacher's teaching development which the mean was 4.71. The component with the lowest mean was the external network co-development. with an average of 4.54.


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How to Cite

Ko-ngan, K. (2022). The Model of Learning Achievement Development of Students at Kamplaphaanatawee School under the Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office, Zone 3. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(2), 93–108.


