Project Evaluation of Enhancement Learning Achievement base on Active Learning of Ban Phon-Ngam School Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 with the CIPPIEST Model
Project Evaluation , Active Learning , Enhancement Learning AchievementAbstract
The academic achievement reflects the quality of learners through both formal and informal learning management processes, This is the role of the educational institution to design innovative learning management that aims to increase the learning capacity of the desired learners. Thus, this research aims to assess The project evaluation of enhancement learning achievement based on Active Learning of Ban Phon-Ngam School Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 using the CIPPIEST Model with context, input process, product, impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and transportation. The sample was 6 teachers, 30 parents of students, and 23 students, including 59 persons, selected through the purposive sampling method. The Research tools comprised of questionnaires, interview forms, and observation forms. The research data was then analyzed by applying content analysis and descriptive statistics to mean and standard deviation. The result is as follows; (1) The overall project assessment due to the teachers' opinions is at the highest level, and due to the parents' opinions is also in the highest level which passing the assessment criteria. (2) The result of the project assessment (Context, Input, Process, Product, Impact, sustainability, suitability due to the teachers' opinions is in the highest level, and due to the parents' opinions is also in the highest level. The project aims for reasonable goals and projects have clear objectives. The management and the importance to promote and support that project. The very purpose of monitoring and evaluating is coverage. The goal of the algorithm evaluation is appropriate. The activities under the project are appropriate for students. Students are interested in learning with various learning skills development better. (3) The result of the project assessment (transportation) due to the teachers' opinions is in high level, and due to the parents' opinions is also in high level. Public school projects should get involved with a variety of methods. The project can be extended to other schools.
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