Empowering and Capability to Members’ Territorial Defense Volunteer (Subdistrict Protection Kit)
unrest situation, Volunteer Defense Corps (VDC), District Protection Kit, Malay dialect or Bahasa MelayuAbstract
From the unrest situation in Narathiwat since From 2004 onwards, members of the Territorial Defense Volunteer Corps (OSS), a semi-military force of the administration, began to play a greater role in maintaining order in the area by jointly carrying out missions with local forces and It is a support for military personnel when necessary due to the unrest that occurs almost every day. As a result, the Department of Administration, Ministry of Interior, saw the potential of the people in the area to be able to participate in maintaining peace and security in the area, so it approved the increase in the number of members of the Volunteer Territorial Protection Unit. To maintain order in their village/sub-district and to participate in solving security problems because they have the expertise of the area, know the people in the area, and have good knowledge of the Malay dialect.
Therefore, the approaches for increasing the members of the Territorial Defense Volunteer were; (1) Increase the knowledge and abilities of the Territorial Volunteer members, (2) practice patience, (3) build tact, (4) sacrifice on certain occasions on certain missions, (5) decision-making, (6) Develop personnel potential, (7) develop knowledge potential, (8) create innovations in work, (9) increase capacity of members of the Territorial Army, (10) develop volunteer potential. Protecting the Territory, (11) fostering positive attitudes and cultivating the ideology of the Guards Volunteer members, (12) motivating the Guards Volunteer members.
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