The Relationship Between Innovative Leadership and Innovative Organization of Local Government Organizations in the Southern Border Provinces
Innovative Leadership, , Innovation Organization,, Local Government OrganizationAbstract
Innovation is of great importance and is considered the key to the advancement of the organization and the ability to grow economically and socially. Local management requires innovation as a tool to manage and develop local people to find new approaches and ideas for resource management, in the form of innovative products and process innovation. Organizations with knowledgeable organization leaders are access to knowledge to manage knowledge effectively, the organization is constantly improving and developing. This research is a theoretical approach to innovative leadership. It consists of eight key elements: Morale and barriers to innovation, Sponsorships, and Rewards, Resources, defining boundaries and tasks; creative freedom, innovation development, and teamwork. The results of the study of innovation organization consisted of 4 components: personnel, structure and work processes, technology, and organizational culture.
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