Evolution and Trends of Democracy in Thailand
Evolution and Trends ; Democracy in ThailandAbstract
A study on the evolution and trends of democratic governance in Thailand. After the change in Thai politics and government from 1932 to the present 2021, it can be seen that there has been a continuous improvement in the management of democratic governance. The evolution and trend of Thai government The study group saw that One thing that has to happen is a true democracy. "Upgrading" for a better future and a government that will bring people's well-being and happiness, as well as the application of democratic principles in the future. At present, there is a measure to check the balance of power and the use of administrative power. Political parties must be strong, ethical, and have good governance, regardless of their interests and power. Don't act like a capitalist and not a special party there must be a form of government that is solidarity, good governance, emphasizing peace, and supports democratic citizenship. which at present the citizen is a new generation There is also an awakening and more digital must pay attention to the participation of the people as much as possible thus creating a democratic culture and decentralization to the foundations will become a developed country and are on par with other civilized countries Keep up with the changes of the era.
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