The Study of Coaching Technique for Developing Teaching and Learning the Chinese Language
Coaching; Chinese learning method; Chinese-languageAbstract
Lecturer in 21st-century should not only be a speaker or a deliver knowledge as Nantana Kamaisom (2016) mentioned that recent teacher has to change from a lecturer to a skilled provider, and from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning. The difficulty of becoming a transition teacher in the 21st-century is how to apply to teach less learn more concepts. This article aims to 1) study coaching technique and teaching model under the concept of coaching technique, and 2) develop teaching Chinese model under the concept of coaching technique. The results of the study show that coaching techniques can encourage students to become enthusiastic and active learners and encourage Chinese-language students to become inspired learners and have positive attitudes to Chinese-language by relying on 3 areas of joint development which are 1) area of the teacher, teacher has to change from a lecturer or a delivery to become a coach, 2) area of the student, new generation of Chinese-language learners have to believe in “OAA and 4D”. “OAA” are open-minded, adaptive, and alterable. “4D” dares to think, dare to doubt, dare to ask, and dare to exchange, and 3) area of teaching method by providing a classroom as a knowledge-sharing space.
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