Causal Factors Influencing Cross-cultural Understanding in 21st Century Human Skills of Mathayom Susa 1 in Marginalized Secondary School Groups, Chiang Rai Province
Causal Factors Influencing; Cross-cultural Understanding in 21st-Century Human Skills; Marginalized Secondary SchoolAbstract
Human being made culture and continue to make culture for their survival and comfort in the community. As the community expands, there will be cultural diversity. The school is a large multicultural, especially the marginal schools in the north of Thailand, where there is cultural diversity of ethnic people. The study of relevant documents found that culture affects human being and their educations. Thus, the researcher is interested in studying causal factors influencing cross-cultural understanding in 21st-century human skills of Mathayom Suksa 1 in marginalized secondary school groups, Chiang Rai province. The objectives of this research were to examine the consistency of the developed model with the empirical data and to study the combined influence, direct influence, indirect influence to cross-cultural understanding in 21st-century human skills of Mathayom Suksa 1 in marginalized secondary school groups, Chiang Rai province. The samples were 306 students. They were selected by a simple random sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire about causal factors influencing cross-cultural understanding in 21st-century human skills of Mathayom Suksa 1 in marginalized secondary school groups, Chiang Rai province which consisted of teaching, policy, cooperation, attitude, and cross-cultural understanding in 21st-century human skills. The data were analyzed by Mean, Standard Deviation, and the analysis of the path results of research. The result showed that:
1. The developed model is consistent with empirical data. When considering the criteria found that x2= 25.44, df = 44, p = 0.99, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97, RMR = 0.019, RMSEA = 0.00 and CFI = 1.00.
2. The highest score of combined influence to cross-cultural understanding in 21st-century human skills of Mathayom Suksa 1 in marginalized secondary school groups, Chiang Rai province was teaching, the highest score of direct influence was cooperation and the highest score of indirect influence was policy.
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