A Program Enhancing the Authentic Leadership Effected The Administration of Private Schools
Reinforcement Program, Authentic Leadership, Private School AdministrationAbstract
The purposes of this research include 1) Study the components and indicators of authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers, 2) Study the current conditions, desirable condition and Modified Priority Needs Index authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers, 3) Develop a program to enhance authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers, and 4) Study the effectiveness of the developed a program to enhance authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers, from a target group consist of 340 people, including private school administrators. The tools include questionnaires, interview forms, tests, and assessments form. The statistics that used for data analysis were percentage, average value, standard deviation and t-test. The research results are as follows
1. The components and indicators of authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers. There are 4 components with 21 indicators, which are: 1) Self-awareness with 7 indicators 2) Balanced processing with 4 indicators 3) Relational transparency with 6 indicators 4) Internalized moral perspective with 4 indicators are all confirmed by experts in general at “The highest” level.
2. The Current condition of authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers administrators, the overall was in the “Medium” level. The desirable condition, the authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers was in “The highest” level. The Modified Priority Needs Index are similar when arranging priority were Internalized moral perspective, Self-awareness, Relative transparency, and balanced processing respectively.
3. The program to enhance authentic leadership on management effectiveness of private school administers components include 1) principles 2) objectives 3) development models and methods 4) content 5) structure 6) learning management in the program and 7) evaluation. The program consisting of 5 learning units, namely that module 1 Attitude and Ethics (Internalized moral perspective), Module 2 Self-awareness (Self-Awareness), Module 3 Bound mind (Relational Engagement transparency), module 4, reasonability (Balanced processing) and module 5 the effectiveness of private school administration total 150 hours. Program evaluation result shows the suitable, the possibilities and benefits were in “The highest” level.
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