Development of Internal Supervisory Model for Teacher Competency Improvement on English Learning Management for Secondary School in The Northeastern part of Thailand
Internal Supervisory Model, Teacher Competency, English Learning ManagementAbstract
The research of Development of Internal Supervisory Model for Teacher Competency Improvement on English Learning Management for Secondary School in The Northeastern part of Thailand was purposed 1) to study current and desirable conditions of the teacher competency in English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand; 2) to develop the internal supervisory model for teacher competency improvement on English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand, and 3) to assess the internal supervisory model use for the teacher competency improvement on English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand. This research and development were conducted in 3 phases, namely; phase 1: study current and desirable conditions of the teacher competency in English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand. The sample group was 7 experts, together with 354 school administrators and English language teachers. The instruments used were the assessment form and questionnaire. Phase 2: develop the internal supervisory model for teacher competency improvement on English learning management for secondary schools in the northeastern part of Thailand with a sample group of 7 best practice experts for the interview, 21 specialists for criticism and model framework examination, and 9 experts for model affirmation. An instrument used was the assessment form. Phase 3: assess the internal supervisory model use for the teacher competency improvement on English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand. Statistic Instruments used were Mean and standard deviation used for data analysis. The findings ;
1. The finding of the study of current and desirable conditions of teacher competency in English learning management for a secondary school in the northeastern part of Thailand showed that the current condition of the teacher competency in English learning management for a secondary school in practice, on the whole, was in the middle level. In addition, the desirable condition of teacher competency in English learning management for a secondary school in practice, on the whole, was at the highest level.
2. The result of the development of an internal supervisory model for teacher competency improvement on English learning management for secondary schools in the northeastern part of Thailand which passed the quality inspection of the internal supervisory model from the experts, consisting of 7 major elements as following; element 1 principle of the model; element 2 purposes of the model; element 3 operation mechanism; element 4 internal supervision content; element 5 internal supervision process consisting of Analyzing: A, Planning : P, Doing : D, and Evaluating: E, element 6 model assessment, and element 7 success condition of model application.
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