Quality in the Management of the Walking Street Market, Ubon City Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province
Quality, Management, Walking Street MarketAbstract
The objectives of this research (1) were to study the level of quality in the management of the walking street market in Ubon City Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province. (2)To study the development guidelines for the management of the walking street market in Ubon City Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The study population consisted of street vendors in Ubon City Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province divided into zones of about 427 people, floor zone 416 people, and food zone 256 people, totaling 1,099 people. The sample consisted of 300 street vendors in Ubon City Municipality, Ubon Ratchathani Province, which were obtained using the Taro Yamané formula and using the random sampling method. A tool to collect data using questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that;
1. The personal status of the respondents found that the majority of the respondents were female, accounting for 54.0%, aged 30-40 years, representing percentage 48.0%, graduated with diploma accounted for 47.7%, single status accounted for 46.0%, often sold clothing products at 37.7%, had 1-2 years of sales experience representing 29.7%.
2. Quality in the management of the walking street market in Ubon City Municipality Ubon Ratchathani Province as a whole was at a high level with an average of 3.60. When considering each aspect, it was found that staff had the highest average (3.95), rules and procedures (3.85), communications (3.53), location and environment (3.42), and fees (3.28), respectively.
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