Satisfaction with the service of the elderly pension Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phlapphlachai District Buriram Province
Satisfaction , Service , Pension , ElderlyAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the satisfaction of the elderly towards the provision of subsistence allowance of Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization. 2) to compare the satisfaction of the elderly towards the provision of subsistence allowance of Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization.3) It is a policy suggestion for the development and improvement of the subsistence allowance service of the Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Phlapphlachai District Buriram Province There are all 3 aspects, namely the satisfaction of the service of the staff. In terms of facilities for the elderly to receive services and satisfaction in the system or process of disbursement of the elderly's pension, the sample size of 268 people using the schedule according to the Taro Yamane formula. using the village as a criterion The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire which consisted of 3 types of questionnaires, namely checklist questions, a 5-level estimation scale and an open-ended questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.888. mean and standard deviation, and two groups of samples were compared by t-test and one-way analysis of variance (F-test). Service provision for the elderly in Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization The overall picture was at a high level in all aspects, ranked from highest to lowest value as follows: Satisfaction in the system or process of disbursement of the elderly pension. The satisfaction of the service of the staff and the facilities for the elderly to receive the service The results of a comparison study on the satisfaction of the elderly towards the provision of subsistence allowance of Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Classified according to the characteristics of the population i.e. sex, age, occupation, income and living status as a whole and in each aspect were not different. As for the recommendations from the interviews with the elderly, it was found that Samrong Subdistrict Administrative Organization Phlapphlachai District Buriram Province Should provide assistance in receiving - sending. disbursement of money for the elderly who do not have a car to withdraw withdraw money in the city or want their village to have an ATM machine to withdraw money conveniently should help in communication Always spread the news to the elderly. or facilitating the elderly who cannot access that information.
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