Social Phenomenon: Ghosts, Brahmins, Buddhists in Moral Development on the Original Faith Cost of Ban Yod Kaeng community, Yod Kaeng Sub-district, Na Mon district, Kalasin Province


  • Phrakhru Wibulwuthikorn Asokaram Temple, Yod Kang Subdistrict, Namon District, Kalasin Province
  • Artit Bumroong-eir Asokaram Temple, Yod Kang Subdistrict, Namon District, Kalasin Province
  • Dusit Srikote Asokaram Temple, Yod Kang Subdistrict, Namon District, Kalasin Province
  • Kewalee Srikote Asokaram Temple, Yod Kang Subdistrict, Namon District, Kalasin Province



Ghosts, , Brahmins, , Buddhists


          The purpose of this research was to study the social phenomenon: Ghost : Brahmin: Buddhist in moral development based on the original faith cost of Ban Yod Kang community, Yod Kang sub-district, Namon district, Kalasin province which uses Mixed Methodology and applies the Community-Based Research (CBR) methodology of the Research Fund Office which has 7 steps including: (1) Seeking a researcher, that is, villagers can be researchers regardless of gender/age/education/profession, etc. (2) Developing a research problem is to understand CBR research in order to relate the problem/text to the context. (3) Research design. (4) Mutual understanding. (5) Data management in which steps (3), (4), (5) are in accordance with the scientific method of general research by CBR Participatory Action Research (PAR) to create mutual understanding that is broader and gains more than information. (6) The utilization of information is to be used as a solution to problems in the area/organization, returning the information to the community and extending it to other groups/area. (7) Removing/summarizing lessons can be regarded as an innovation of methodology because it is the development of human intelligence/way of thinking. The results showed that the social phenomena of Ban Yod Kang were as follows:
          1. The community has adapted the six principles of reverence as a leading question to study social phenomena. What is the value and importance from the past to the present, what is the truth of life, what is the religious practice? . What is the importance of learning, what is self-respect, what is respect for others
          2. Synthesis of the reverent community attributes from the study of the social phenomenon of Ban Yod Kang through various eras and from the leading questions adapted from the 6 Reverence Ta, 8 characteristics of the reverent community can be identified as follows: (1) Appreciation; and take that as important, (2) understand the truth of life, (3) adhere to religious principles, (4) focus on learning, (5) self-respect, (6) Respect others, (7) giving sacrifices, and (8) having a pure heart.
         3. The key point is that communities are facing the risk of extinction of respect for the people and the respect for the supernatural. After the respect for nature has disappeared from the community, but the community continues to lead its own way because the community has the strength of respect for both self and others. In addition, there is a kindness that is caring and sharing, adhering to traditions, customs. Therefore, this strength will be used to create a community process of reverence that is appropriate in the community in order to drive activities to build strength and immunity for the community of well-being, which is a hospitable society.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Wibulwuthikorn, Bumroong-eir, A. ., Srikote, D. ., & Srikote, K. . (2021). Social Phenomenon: Ghosts, Brahmins, Buddhists in Moral Development on the Original Faith Cost of Ban Yod Kaeng community, Yod Kaeng Sub-district, Na Mon district, Kalasin Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 1(4), 25–38.



Research Article