Innovative Leadership of Administrators affects the High-Performance Organizations of Private Vocational Colleges in Chonburi Province

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Sutin Payonlert
Mangkorn Harirak


This research aimed to study: 1) The level of innovative leadership of administrators in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province, 2) The level of high-performance organization in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province, and 3) Innovative Leadership of Administrators affects the  High-Performance Organizations of Private Vocational Colleges in Chonburi Province. The sample were administrators and teachers in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province. in a sample of 278 individuals The reliability of the questionnaire was tested, yielding a reliability coefficient of 0.968 for the innovative leadership of administrators and 0.967 for high-performance organizations. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.

The research findings revealed that:  1) The overall level of innovative leadership of administrators in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province was high. When examined in detail, the highest average was in rewarding for innovation, followed by team building, and the lowest average was finding and working with supporters.  2) The overall level of high-performance organization in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province was high. When examined in detail, the highest average was in continuous learning, followed by having a shared vision visible to all members, and the lowest average was in open communication among personnel.  3) The innovative leadership of administrators significantly impacted high-performance organizations in private vocational colleges, including skill development, rewarding for innovation, fostering an innovative atmosphere, managing innovation teams, and finding and working with supporters. These variables were included in the regression equation and significantly explained the variation in the level of high-performance organization in private vocational colleges in Chonburi Province at the .05 level of statistical significance, with a predictive value (R2) of 0.904.

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How to Cite
Payonlert, S. ., & Harirak, M. (2024). Innovative Leadership of Administrators affects the High-Performance Organizations of Private Vocational Colleges in Chonburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 457–470. retrieved from


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