The Use of Financial Statements for Analyze lending Medium-Size Business: A Case Study of a Commercial Bank

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Rungthiwa Chumchoie
Suntaree Tungsriwong


The objectives of this research are to study the importance of using financial statements and compare the use of financial statement data to analyze business loans. The sample groups selected for loan officers at the under the Northern Medium Business Group of a medium-sized business office size M 72 people and size L 77 people totaling 149 people. The instruments used for data collection were a questionnaire that had IOC between 0.50-1.00 and reliability was 0.96. The data was analyzed by inferential statistics in the Independent Sample T-test. This study showed that the loan officers medium-sized business office size M give importance to using financial statement information to analyze for business lending overall at a high level. The highest level is financial statement information, and the least ratios are used to measure the return of a business. And the loan officers medium-sized business office size L give importance to using financial statement information to analyze business lending overall at a high level. The highest level is the ratios used to measure the status of cash on hand, and the least ratios used to measure the return of a business.

The results of comparing the level of using financial statement data to analyze business lending between loan officers a medium-sized business office Size M and Size L. They give importance to the frequency of changing CPAs, the financial statement information, measuring operational efficiency, measuring business returns, and measuring cash on hand different at the significant level of 0.5.

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How to Cite
Chumchoie, R., & Tungsriwong, S. (2024). The Use of Financial Statements for Analyze lending Medium-Size Business: A Case Study of a Commercial Bank. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 123–140. retrieved from
Author Biography

Suntaree Tungsriwong

The objectives of this research are to study the importance of using financial statements and compare the use of financial statement data to analyze business loans. The sample groups selected for loan officers at the under the Northern Medium Business Group of a medium-sized business office size M 72 people and size L 77 people totaling 149 people. The instruments used for data collection were a questionnaire that had IOC between 0.50-1.00 and reliability was 0.96. The data was analyzed by inferential statistics in the Independent Sample T-test. This study showed that the loan officers medium-sized business office size M give importance to using financial statement information to analyze for business lending overall at a high level. The highest level is financial statement information, and the least ratios are used to measure the return of a business. And the loan officers medium-sized business office size L give importance to using financial statement information to analyze business lending overall at a high level. The highest level is the ratios used to measure the status of cash on hand, and the least ratios used to measure the return of a business.

The results of comparing the level of using financial statement data to analyze business lending between loan officers a medium-sized business office Size M and Size L. They give importance to the frequency of changing CPAs, the financial statement information, measuring operational efficiency, measuring business returns, and measuring cash on hand different at the significant level of 0.5.


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