Personnel Development Needs of Government Officer, Practitioner Level in Budget Bureau (Central Office)

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Thunsuda Somchatwong
Pirada Chairatana


The objectives of this research were to study the level of personnel development needs of government officer, practitioner level in Budget Bureau (central office) and to compare the personnel development needs of government officer, practitioner level in Budget Bureau (central office) classified by personal factors. The sample in the research was 160 government officers, practitioner level in Budget Bureau (central office). Data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One – Way ANOVA at the .05 level of significance.

The results of research found that the level of personnel development needs of government officers, practitioner level in Budget Bureau (central office) in terms of training, education and development were at high level (Mean = 4.100). The most of needed is development (Mean = 4.200). The hypothesis testing revealed that the difference in gender, age, education level, monthly income and period of working had not different in the personnel development needs.


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How to Cite
Somchatwong, T., & Chairatana, P. (2024). Personnel Development Needs of Government Officer, Practitioner Level in Budget Bureau (Central Office). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 32–48. retrieved from


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