Monitoring the Implementation of Computer Procurement and Efficiency of Desktop Computer Utilization at the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University

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Keattiniyom Khuntee
Nutthida Srithong


This paper was aimed to monitor the implementation of computer procurement and efficiency of desktop computer utilization at the Institute for Population and Social Research. The paper selected secondary data in a database consisting of numbers and prices of desktop computers that replaced old computers in 2001 – 2023 Fiscal Years. The quantitative technique in this paper involved in descriptive statistics presented through frequencies and means.

          The findings reveal that the average numbers of staff remained at 100 persons approximately (145 persons in 2023 Fiscal Year). The general practice of computer management is “one person, one desktop computer.” In the past 23 years between 2001 and 2023 Fiscal Years, 440 desktop computers were recorded and purchased at a cost of 11,225,677.40 baht. In 2001-2013, decision making to purchase 308 computers met the following criteria: for performance enhancement, for replacement for outdated computers and for new staff. The total budget spent on these computers was 7,753,527.43 baht. In 2014-2023 Fiscal Years, the criterion for purchase decision was that every staff must use their computer for at least five years. So, a total of 132 computers were purchased at a total cost of 3,472,150 baht. Computer replacement was a utilization method that facilitated the higher efficient computer management as well as budget administration. There were some other important results of replacement. Old computers became “accumulated” and, later, were no longer used by the organization. 90 computers were donated while 124 were sold.


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How to Cite
Khuntee, K., & Srithong, N. (2024). Monitoring the Implementation of Computer Procurement and Efficiency of Desktop Computer Utilization at the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 230–248. retrieved from


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