The Process of Decide on Choosing Services at Laundromat in Khukhot Subdistrict Municipality Pathum Thani

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Pongsiri Kumsit
Somyos Awakiet


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the level of opinions process of decide on choosing services at Laundromat in Khu Khot subdistrict municipality, Pathum Thani 2) compare the decision the process of decide on choosing services at Laundromat in Khu Khot subdistrict municipality, Pathum Thani Classified according to personal factors The sample group is the population living and working, including people related to the area in Khu Khot Subdistrict Municipality. Pathum Thani Province, 400 people for convenience in data analysis. This method of research used questionnaires with 400 respondents in this study by convenience sampling. The statistical analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA.

The research results found that: 1) study the level of opinions process of decide on choosing services at Laundromat. Overall, decisions were made at a high level. When considering the steps. The problem awareness stage has the highest level of decision making.. 2) compare the decision the process of decide on choosing services at Laundromat in Khu Khot subdistrict municipality, Pathum Thani Classified according to personal factors. Including gender and income, there are differences in the decision to use laundry convenience stores. As for users of laundry convenience stores with age, education, occupation, number of members in the household and residential characteristics Different people have decided to use convenience stores. They are statistical significance at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Kumsit, P. ., & Awakiet, S. (2024). The Process of Decide on Choosing Services at Laundromat in Khukhot Subdistrict Municipality Pathum Thani . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 196–210. retrieved from


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