Antecedents Affecting the Competitive Advantage of the Listed Hotel Business in the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Pavornrat Lertsuwunseri
Anong Taiwan


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of transformational leadership market focus entrepreneurial focus service innovation and creating competitive advantages of hotels listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. 2) to study the causal relationship of transformational leadership market focus Entrepreneurial focus and service innovation that has an influence on creating competitive advantages of registered hotels Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand and  3) to examine the consistency of the causal relationship variables of the preceding factors influencing the competitive advantage of the business. Hotels listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand with empirical data Data were collected by questionnaires from 279 executives and supervisors of hotels listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, using structural equation modeling.

The results of the research revealed that the hotel business focuses on focusing on marketing the most. by analyzing market data to plan marketing strategies that lead to meeting the needs of customers This is considered to promote positive satisfaction in using the service. Creates a positive attitude image towards the brand. customer brand loyalty It is considered to create a sustainable competitive advantage. The entrepreneurial focus is also influential in creating a competitive advantage. It is an important mechanism used in Another way of management that reflects the ability of the hotel business.

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How to Cite
Lertsuwunseri, P., & Taiwan, A. (2024). Antecedents Affecting the Competitive Advantage of the Listed Hotel Business in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(3), 49–65. retrieved from


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