Corporate Social Responsibility of Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance According to Opinions and Perceptions of Central Personnel

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Wiparat Palangong
Sarin Khuntiwattanakul
Siripat Sevikul



The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the level of opinions of central personnel about the social responsibility of the Treasury Department Ministry of Finance 2) Study the level of perceptions of central personnel about the social responsibility of the Treasury Department Ministry of Finance. 3) compare the opinions of central personnel about the social responsibility of the Treasury Department Ministry of Finance, classified by individual characteristics. 4) compare the perceptions of central personnel about the social responsibility of the Treasury Department Ministry of Finance, classified by individual characteristics and 5) Study the relationship between the opinions and perceptions of central personnel about the social responsibility of the Treasury Department, Ministry
of Finance. A sample group was selected from 325 central personnel working in the Treasury Department. using the probability sampling method, multistage. Data were collected with a questionnaire. The statistics used were amount, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

The results showed that central personnel had an agreeable level of opinion about corporate social responsibility in all three fields, with economics having the highest opinion, followed by environmental and social, respectively. There were also moderate levels of perception in all three fields, with environmental having the most perceptions, followed by economic and social, respectively. Personnel of varying ages, salaries,
job functions, and types of personnel had different opinions and perceptions about corporate social responsibility, with the statistical significance level at.05. In addition, the opinions and perceptions of central personnel about corporate social responsibility in the Treasury Department had a moderately correlated level and were unidirectional (r =.556).

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How to Cite
Palangong , . W., Khuntiwattanakul , S., & Sevikul, S. (2024). Corporate Social Responsibility of Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance According to Opinions and Perceptions of Central Personnel. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 487–507. retrieved from


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