Community Participation in Education Management in the New Normal Era of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Sutthirat Chusri
Sangwan Wangcham
Sarod Kaewaroon



This research aimed to study the community participation in education management in the New Normal era and to study the guidelines to develop the community participation in education management in the New Normal era of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School under the Chiang Mai Primary  Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample groups used in the research were the school committees, the administrator and teachers of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School, Nong Yang Municipal personnel, Ban Mae Hak Pattana Chalermprakiet Sub-district Health Promotion Hospital personnel, and the parents of students of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School, in the academic year of 2022, a total of 148 people. The tools used in the research were questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed by the statistical methods of mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.           

The results of the research revealed that the community participation in education management in the New Normal era of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School, in overall, was at a high level (  =4.49, S.D =0.62). The guidelines for the development of the community participation in education management in the New Normal era were as follows; 1) The school should have a plan with the community by creating understanding, educating, attending meetings, consulting, giving feedback in accordance with the changed situation. 2) Organizing education through cooperation between houses, temples, schools, public and private organizations, including religious organizations. 3)Provide resources adequately, manage teaching and develop  personnel effectively. 4)Give knowledge and understanding in the process of supervision, monitoring, evaluation of performance to be able to solve problems, including publicizing the school's work to the community clearly and continuously .

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How to Cite
Chusri, S., Wangcham, S., & Kaewaroon, S. (2024). Community Participation in Education Management in the New Normal Era of Chonlaprathan Khuean Mae Kuang Chirathiwat Uppatham School under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 10(2), 440–456. retrieved from


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